
Real estate careers in Madison, WI. Learn how to get started in real estate.

Found 74 blog entries about Careers.

Many real estate teams attract new team members by offering them "leads" that are purchased from websites like Zillow and Online leads can be attractive to agents because they offer the promise of a guaranteed income as soon as they join the team. 

But online leads do come with two big downsides. 

The first big downside is that online leads tend to be very expensive -- usually costing a few thousand dollars per transaction. And of course the second big downside is that online leads often end up being low-trust/low-loyalty clients -- due to the simple fact that they've been purchased rather than cultivated through an existing relationship. 

There is an alternative to buying leads, and that is the MCDH model of cultivating positive

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Wouldn't it be wonderful to create the type of business where you didn't need to rely on expensive online ads, daily social media posting, and constant self-promotion? 

And wouldn't it be nice to have the type of business where you met most of your new clients because they chose to pick up the phone and call you? 

This is the type of practice that all of us at Mad City Dream Homes are striving for, and it's such a rewarding way to approach our work.  

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Being a nice person who strives to be of service to others may be necessary for a rewarding career in real estate, but it's not sufficient. You also need to have a plan that you're willing to embrace over the long run. 

If you're a realtor, and you'd like some help identifying a plan that's a good fit for you, please feel free to contact us. We'd be happy to meet with you and offer you a little outside perspective. 

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growing and nurturing your sphere of influenceIn our latest real estate careers article we cover the basics of growing and nurturing your database, or "sphere of influence". Growing and nurturing your database is the single most important thing you can do to guarantee a rewarding and long-lasting career in real estate. Many agents are intimidated by this task, but the good news is our team offers a ton of support in this area. You can also make the "nurturing" part of your database a lot of fun - by staying in touch with your database in ways that are authentic to your personality. 

What is a real estate database?

Your real estate database is your network of friends, family, clients, and other people in the community that you stay in touch with. Ultimately these are the people who come to know

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One proven way to enjoy a long-term career in real estate is to make a habit of helping other people, and to help others without any expectation for reciprocity. 

So, if someone I know wants to know what their home is worth, even though they have no plans to sell, I help them. If another person wants to know how much they can rent their home for, I help them, too. And if another person I know wants help finding a contractor to remodel their bathroom, I help them find a good contractor. 

I gladly help all of these people even though they have no plans to sell. 

If I only help people when I hope to receive something in return, that's not helping. That's transacting. 

The big irony here is that it's the agents who transact, the ones who are in it

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One clear sign of someone who's devoted to their craft is their willingness to do the inconvenient thing. Not because they have something to gain by doing it. But because it's worth it to them. Because in their mind doing the inconvenient thing is the right thing to do. 

For example: 

  • The crossing guard who greets each kid with a hello and a smile. 
  • The teacher who works everyday to build community in the classroom and make learning fun. 
  • The doctor who attends to her patients with kindness, empathy and patience --  knowing that her patients may be worried or concerned.  
  • And in real estate, the agent who helps her clients solve problems, and stay focused and positive, when they encounter a setback.

For some

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Realtors have been in the headlines (and crosshairs) lately, which led me to do a google search of the most trusted and least trusted professions. And I came across this recent study by Gallup. (Real estate agents aren't included in the 2023 study, but in 2022 they were ranked just above attorneys and just below bankers.)

Gallup Poll about the Most and the Least Trust

According to this study, the most trusted are nurses, veterinarians, doctors, dentists, and engineers. The least trusted are politicians and people in marketing and sales. 

Or put another way, the most trusted are people who are known mostly for serving and tending to the well being of others (relational), while the least trusted are people who are known more for selling (transactional).  

All of this suggests to me that we

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When we invest more time, attention and financial resources into our clients, we earn more, too. 

For example: 

  • We earn a deeper appreciation for the work we do, when we view each client as an opportunity to serve. 
  • We earn the appreciation of our clients, when we lead with generosity. 
  • And over time we earn a reputation for being generous in the larger community, which leads to an abundance of new clients down the line. 

We're lucky we have so much freedom to invest in our clients. It's such a rewarding way to approach our work. 

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#1) To what extent do my clients, colleagues and friends see me as someone who is focused on them…or focused on myself?

#2) How can I consistently show up as a positive influence for the people I know?

#3) What are my unique skills and talents? And how can I best apply them within my profession? 

Your answers could help you take your first step in a new direction. 

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The first big insight: Many of the most productive real estate agents approach their profession as a craft. A craft that they work at each day. Not because they have to, but because they want to. Because their work is rewarding to them and worth the effort. 

The second big insight: Many of these same agents apply their craft as a service to others. And it’s this focus on serving that sustains them over the long run. Having a servant mindset enhances their relationships, their reputation, and the satisfaction that they derive from their career. 

What a wonderful way to approach a vocation. 

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