Creating art in service to others

Posted by Dan Miller, REALTOR on Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 at 3:36pm.

Our friend, Jim Schumaker, is an amazing photographer. But it hasn’t always been this way. As Jim will tell you, photography was once just a hobby for him. Only over time has he come to view it and practice it as a form of art. Now Jim uses photography as a way to “pay tribute to nature’s beauty” and to “pay homage to our precious planet’s fragility”. 

Jim’s website,, curates many of his photos from his life in Wisconsin and his travels around the world. Check it out, and you’ll be moved by his images that capture the extraordinary beauty of our planet and the wildlife and the people that inhabit it. 

Jim Schumaker - Children

You might also notice from his website that Jim has a history of giving his art away. Over the years Jim has donated his talents to many different organizations that are doing important work around the world, and he continues to do so today. This year he’s supporting the Foundation for Dane County Parks by photographing some of the jewels in our local parks system. We’re grateful for Jim’s generosity, and we can’t wait to see his work. 

We’re also grateful for the examples Jim sets for us through the life he’s choosing: 

First, Jim shows us that we’re all capable of transforming our hobbies, our interests, and even our vocations into art. When we combine purpose with practice and dedication over the long-term, our art has the potential to serve as a generous gift for all who encounter it. 

Second, Jim shows us we can make an even greater impact when we practice our art as a form of public service. Over the years, Jim has donated his time and his talents to The Memory Project, The Nature ConservancyProject 1808, and many other nonprofits. 

Here are just a few examples from Jim’s collection that offer a taste of his art and his nonprofit work. To learn more about Jim and his photography, please visit

Photography by Jim Schumaker

Dr Jim in Malawi

Children in Ukraine - The Memory Project

Singing in Pakistan

Lost Creek Swans

hummingbird in Utah


Bog Laurel



Boundary Waters

Spring on Lost Creek

Snow Covered Trees

Kiev, Ukraine

This article is published courtesy of:
Dan Miller, REALTOR
Mad City Dream Homes & Realty Executives Cooper Spransy
1619 Monroe Street #1, Madison, WI, 53711

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