Buying Tips

Buying a Home in Madison & South Central Wisconsin: Real Estate Buying Tips

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It's a time of scarcity for Dane County real estate. 

A scarcity of land to build on. A scarcity of materials and supplies to build new homes. And a scarcity of labor to do the work. 

One thing that is not in short supply is the number of people moving to Dane County. Our population continues to grow, and the options for homeownership aren’t keeping pace. Given this, we expect home and condo inventory will remain low and prices will remain high for the foreseeable future.

So when will it be a good time to buy real estate? We believe the best time to buy is right now. Not a year or two from now. And not when interest rates fall. Hoping and waiting for a better time to buy when both rates and prices are lower is likely to end in disappointment.

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For all of us who are homeowners, we are fortunate.

Fortunate to have a place of our own and to experience pride of homeownership. Fortunate to live with prosperity built through home equity. Fortunate to have the privilege of passing our prosperity on to the next generation. And fortunate for all of the help we have received along the way. 

Prices will continue to rise. 

So why not do everything we can to help others become homeowners, too? 

Here are 5 things we can do to help others achieve their dream of homeownership:

  • Support and get involved with homeownership initiatives like Own It: Building Black Wealth.
  • Help an individual or a family that is struggling to buy a home by offering our financial assistance.
  • Promote the wisdom
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You may have heard that mortgage rates recently jumped above 7 percent, which is more than double the rate from less than 2 years ago. 

mortgage interest rates Aug 2023

And if you're like many other people, today's higher rates may have you thinking about putting your home-buying plans on-hold. And understandably so. 

But it's very possible you could be missing out on a real opportunity by deferring your goals. Because now that rates are higher, you have fewer competing buyers to contend with. And the competition and bidding wars will surely increase once rates fall again. 

So, if you're an aspiring buyer, here are two key questions we have for you: 

If you could find a nice home this year and if you could afford it by living within your means...And if you could picture

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If you're a numbers person, you might say the best time to buy a home would have been 11 years ago when the market bottomed out during the Great Recession. Since that time, Dane County home prices have risen by 94%. 

Or, put another way, if you purchased a Dane County home for $300,000 in 2012, that same home would be worth roughly $580,000 right now. 

Madison WI home prices since 2000

But what about the future?

If home prices are so high right now, you might expect lower prices and more opportunities to buy right around the corner. After all, prices always do eventually fall. 

Our take is that although prices will eventually fall, we don't see this happening anytime soon. There are simply too many factors at work that will limit supply and maintain high prices for the

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We live in an anxious world where the future often feels uncertain. So it's only natural that you will feel some anxiety, too, when you make the decision to buy or sell. After all, you are bound to have some high stakes questions. 

Your Dream Home Bucket List

On the buying side

Will interest rates go up or down from here? 

Will you find the type of home that you're looking for? 

If you do find the right home, how much will it cost you? 

And on the selling side 

How much work will you need to put into your sale? 

And what will be your return on investment? 

At Mad City Dream Homes, we understand the prospect of buying or selling a home can feel overwhelming. Which is why we're always focused on giving you all of the time and attention you need throughout

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The fall season is fast approaching, which means it's time to schedule your annual furnace maintenance. Two companies that we enthusiastically recommend are Brothers HVAC and Hillestad Heating & Cooling.

Both companies have support staff who make scheduling easy. And based on our experience, the technicians are professional, reliable, and effective communicators. As always, we recommend calling ahead and scheduling your service proactively. The best contractors are often booked several weeks out. 

Brothers HVAC: 608-291-0252 

Hillestad Heating & Cooling: 608-231-3888

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We have a tendency to assume that the real estate market will act as it always has according to predictable patterns and cycles. But, we're in a new era for real estate. And what we're learning right now is that some of the old rules no longer apply. Here are 3 examples.

Old rule #1:

Prices go through regular boom and bust cycles based on having either too little or too much supply.

  • New rule #1: Many systemic factors are at play which will limit supply indefinitely and keep prices high.

Old rule #2:

The springtime and the summertime tend to be the best times to buy a home in Dane County.

  • New rule #2: In a perpetually low supply market like ours, buying a home is now a year-round endeavor. Your best opportunity could present
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Buying your dream home in this market isn't easy, but it's possible. It becomes probable when you have a good plan and a caring and committed team supporting you. And it all begins with a conversation. 

buying a home with Mad City Dream Homes

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It's a low inventory market, for sure, but buyers who remain persistent and patient will find more opportunities to purchase in the months ahead. That's because fewer buyers are home-shopping during the second half of the year, and inventory is slowly rising. And we expect this trend to continue into the fall season, as it typically does each year.

Madison WI Inventory August 5 2023

What questions do you have about buying or selling a home in the Madison area? We're always available for a helpful conversation, and we'd love to help you plan for your future.

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Recently we've had two friends work with Jimmie Copus from Lawn Arts Landscaping, and both friends have been very impressed with Jimmie and his work. Jimmie is available to work on virtually any aspect of your yard or lawn. His list of services includes landscaping, mulching, tree and bush trimming, spring and fall yard clean-ups, lawn mowing, and ongoing lawn care. 

Jimmie offers reasonable rates and he's easy to work with. For more information, we encourage you to call Jimmie at 608-205-7073

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